Series of 3 Images 


The challenge of this competition topic is to use not just one image, but to put together a collection of 3 images in a series that work together to:

·        amplify the message that you are seeking to convey. Eg.  storytelling

·        provide different perspectives of the same event, scene, person, or object

·        communicate an aesthetic i.e., images that are similarly themed, via composition, tone, colour etc. 

The three images must have a connection to each other such that it is obvious to the viewer that they belong together, to form a set of three related images.  This connection can take on any form.  e.g. similar color palette, tone, mood, composition, subject, point of view, narrative etc. 

Members can enter a maximum of two separate series in this competition, where each series of 3 images is a single entry.  Ie.  they be two DPI entries, two print entries or a DPI and a print entry.

The requirement is that each of your entries contains only three images. That means that any entry that, for example contains multiple photos on the one DPI submitted image, will not be eligible. As such, an entry could contain one single triptych and would be eligible but an entry that contained 3 triptychs (i.e. 9 images in total) would not be eligible.   

NOTE:  If entering images separatelym ie. as  a series of three images s please follow the naming instructions  for your image titles.  If you fail to follow instructions, you images will NOT LOAD CORRECTLY

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